Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
WARNING: This blog may contain mean, annoying, crazy, and sometimes down right horrible text. Readers beware!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Okay so I know that there are resources out there to help people in need with the whole pregnancy thing. Well, I swallowed my "PRIDE" today and went in and applied for WIC. I sat in the car for a good 10 minutes outside the building trying to talk myself into going in. I have never been one to take hand outs or anything, not that it's a bad thing, but I am just to proud of a person I guess. (I had a even harder time going into planned parenthood for birth conrtol lol!) I know there is really nothing wrong with taking help from where you can get it, but I was watching some of the people going in and out and I kept thinking to myself, "You are not like that, what are you doing here?" Finally I pull it together and in I go, we qualified, so now my dilemma is...using them!! Baahahaha I am so crazy sometimes, I just don't want people to look at me and think why is she on WIC she doesn't need it, but really it will help! Now I refuse to jip the system and not work (take a month or 2 of maternity leave) just so I can get Medicaid to pay for my child, I do have insurance and I plan on paying my fair share. (Amanda you know who I am talking about lol) Just to be clear there is absolutely nothing wrong with using the helpful resources, as long as you actually need them!!! If we didn't have insurance I would again swallow my pride and apply for Medicaid, every little bit helps :) My next trip to the grocery store is sure to be an adventure. I promise to post about how I handle the whole process, that is if I grow the balls to make into the store lol! Much Love >.<

1 comment:

  1. I am on WIC to, and i HATE HATE HATE using them. I feel ... just uh. I dont use them here in Etown.. but, In st.g were I never see anyone I use them all the time. but, i agree if you need that extra little help.. go for it.
