Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
WARNING: This blog may contain mean, annoying, crazy, and sometimes down right horrible text. Readers beware!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Crazy how time FLYS!!!!!

I can not believe that Jeff and I have been Married for a whole year on Sunday, and been together for 6 freakin' years! It is amazing how time flies by when you aren't really paying any attention to it!! For our anniversary Jeff is taking me to a Terri Clark concert in St. Geezy on Friday night, I am pretty stoked cause she is my all time favorite country singer!!! I will take lots of pics, we are only 3 or 4 rows back from the stage :) I have the best hubby ever!!!!!

So so so crazy this was almost a year ago!!! Best Day EVER!!! Sometimes, I wonder why I waited so long?!?! But it has all worked out perfectly!!!!!!!! Love you Jeffie! >.<

Friday, March 25, 2011


When I came to work today it was partly cloudy with a chilly wind blowing
it looked a little like this, but not as dark a little more sun!!

After being at work for about 10 minutes it now looks like this:

What a BIG difference!!! I hate the snow, I just want spring to come already!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The whole day off!!!!

This isn't a rare thing, I do usually have the weekends off, but this is a Thursday!!! I don't want to do ANYTHING, I didn't get out of bed till 12:35pm :) it was AMAZING!! I really should try and clean the house and go shopping for our BBQ tomorrow, but I just don't want to, till a few more hours when I get super board lol!!! I kinda miss just chillin' at home doing nothing all day, but I do like work it has been fun so far! Okie Dokie I am now going to go sit in my recliner and do nothing but maybe catch up on a few of my shows!!! Much Love >.<

Monday, March 21, 2011


Your favorite song?!?!

I am in love with.....The Best Song Ever by: Katie Armiger
and Raise your Glass by: Pink
and One Day by: Akon

Day 29!!

In the past month what have you learned??

Ummm nothing I didn't already know, with one exception.....30 days is way to long for a blog challenge and I get board way to easily!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 28!!

A picture of you from last year and now, and how you have changed since!

June 2010, Cali trip with the "Fam"!!

March 2011, softball in skeet skeet!

Well in one year I have got married, chopped my hair off, let it grow, chopped it off again and put some blond in it, got a job, and umm I can't think of anything else!!!!

Day 27!!!

Why are you doing this 30 day challenge????

UMMMMM that is a very good question, at first it sounded fun and actually gave me a reason to blog! But now I am sick of it and am glad it is almost over!!!!

Day 26!!

What do you think of your friends???

Well.........I love them ALL!!!!!! If I didn't they wouldn't be my friends, silly!!!!!

Day 25!!!

What would I find in your bag??

Well my bag has everything!!!!! Snacks (almonds, sour watermelons, sour rips, sunflower seeds, chocolate chip granola bar, gun, and mints), pens, wallet, check books, flippy floppies, lip gloss, pain medicine and the list could go on and on

Day 24!!

A letter to your parents!!

Dear Mommy and Daddy,

I love you both so much!! I am so glad to have parents like you! You are so supportive, caring, loving, and would do absolutely anything for me and Jeffie!!! You are the bestest and even though you two have been through hell and back you are an amazing example on how to stick it out and make it work! Love you two so much!!

Your most favoritest daughter!!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Side note!

On the 11th and 12th the boys had another softball tourney, this one was in Mesquite!!! I was so so so so nice and warm and a bonus they won the CHAMPIONSHIP and didn't lose a single game!!!!


The wives are the bestest part!!! We rock!

Day 23!!

Something you crave for alot!


Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 22!!

What makes you different from everyone else?

I'm me!!! Wild, Crazy, Funny, Crazy, and I am never afraid to speak my mind!!! I love bein' me, and no one else can be! =D

Day 21!!

A picture of something that makes you Happy!

Rocky Road Ice Cream

My Boys!!

My Girls, Jaspen is hiding under the covers!! :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

All caught up!!!

So I was a little behind on the 30 day challenge!! It's such a hard task when your weekends are consumed by softball and other things!! So I did like 5 days on one so now I am all caught up!!! Wooo Whooo, till this weekend when I will surely fall behind again because of you guessed it SOFTBALL!! Much Love >.<

Day 20!!

Someone you see yourself marrying or being with in the future

This is silly... Kenneth J. Okeson!!!!!

Day 19!!

Nicknames you have and why you have them!

ET- because my parents thought it would be so funny to give me initials that are extra terrestrial like the movie E.T.!!!!

Lizard/ Lizard Breath- What else goes with Liz..Lizard/ Lizard Breath. I think this name I got from K.J. he was a crazy old man, who then passed it on to my brother-in-law Jar-head! It is stuck with me for life

LO- most recently I got the nickname LO because my new initials!! I guess it's better that E.T.!!!!

I am sure there are more, but I am tired and board at work and can't think of anymore!

Day 18!!

Plans/ Dreams/ Goals you have~

I swear we have already done a post like this! Well here we go!!!

1) Get Healthy- meaning; eating better, losing the excess fat, cutting down on soda and other unhealthy goodness, and exercising (I would say more, but that doesn't really apply)
2) Start a Family- Jeff and I have talked and decided we don't want to wait forever to start a family so here goes nothin'!
3) Finish our yard- I started last year and got a lot done, but there is still so much to do to make it beautiful!!
4) Find a hobby- Jeff has softball, once upon a time I had rodeo. Now I have nothing, So I want to find something that I love to do as much as Jeff loves to play softball!!!
5) Find a job- I suppose I have sat around long enough, if I find something part-time I can still focus on all the other things I want to do!

6) Spend more time with Family- since we have moved to Cedar I don't see my family as much as I would like to, so I want to see them more!!
7) Save money- it is very difficult when you are a "pay check to pay check" one income family, however I want to pay things off and start saving a little more so we have the options to go places!

8) Get out of most Debt- I say most cause all is impossible. We have loans and credit cards to pay off and it would be nice to get those done and out of the way. This is a LONG term goal, unless I rob a bank or something =)

Day 17!!

Someone you would want to switch lives with and why??

I am not sure there is anyone I would want to switch lives with cause right now I am pretty content, but if I had to pick.......I would pick Ellen DeGeneres!!! No cause she is gay, but because she is hilarious and crazy and wealthy oh and happy!!!

Day 16!!

Another picture of yourself!

Don't judge me, Jeff was snapping random pics and this one was funny!!!!

Day 15!!

Put your i-pod on shuffle and list the first 10 songs

1- Firework
2- Hello World
3- Love The Way You Lie
4- I Do
5- Bad Day
6- Free Fallin'
7- I'll Be
8- Crazy Train
9- If Your Gonna Play In Texas
10- No Fear

Day 14!!

A picture of you and your family!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 13!!

Write a letter to someone who has hurt you recently

Dear Evil Bed,

You really really piss me off when I am walking around you and you reach out with your metal hands and break my mother flippin' toe!!! You suck and are so mean, plus you make Jeff snore and I can't sleep good on you!! You better watch your back or I am going to throw you in the trash and buy a new more comfy bed that loves me!!!! =D (do to the fact that no one has hurt me I decided that my "bed" would be who my letter was to)
