Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
WARNING: This blog may contain mean, annoying, crazy, and sometimes down right horrible text. Readers beware!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Crazy, Fun, Long Holiday Weekend!!!!

This past weekend was the 24th of July “Utah’s independence, or Pioneer Day.” Jeff’s sister Julianne and her family came down and spent 4 days doing random fun things with the family. She got to town on Friday afternoon and we all wet swimming up at my work, the kids all had a total blast. They went down the slide a million times and we all played keep away with the water football; I swam for about an hour that’s all I could handle :) After swimming we all headed over to Jeff’s parents and rode 4-wheelers, Jeff even took me on a little ride, then we eat some dinner and Jeff and I headed home. Saturday they all got up early and went fishing, I stayed in bed because I was way too tired from the day before. They tried fishing at the lake on the hill but it was a slow fishing day so they drove up the canyon and went fishing at woods creek or something like that. Once they got back we headed over to Jeff’s parents again and had some lunch then rode 4-wheelers again, this time I took myself….maybe not the best plan cause I wasn’t nearly as careful as I should have been for being 7 months pregnant lol!!!

Jeff and I out on the 4-wheelers!
After 4-wheeling we went and watched the Enoch parade, it was short and sweet! But there was this cute little guy…

Isn't that the cutest thing you have ever seen?!?
I have decided I want one of these for baby; it is just the right size to keep in our backyard and I am sure they don’t eat a whole lot!!!! After the parade the family went down to the church and had dinner, but Jeff and I headed home and got ready to go to the Enterprise Rodeo with my family!

The rodeo was fun, I like going just to make fun of people, so does Jeff!!! I took some silly pics of me and the girls and Jeff and of course my silly parents lol!!!

Bahahahaha my mommy thinks I'm heavy ;)
Sunday Jeff’s parents were both speaking in church…so we decided to surprise them and go! Yep you read correctly Jeff and I went to church, only for the first part though! Then we headed out to his parents house and Jeff played some Mario Cart with his dad and I relaxed on the recliner and read!! Once everyone got home from church we had dinner, celebrating his dad’s birthday which was the 19th, after dinner we had some pie! We hung out for a while but I was pooped so we headed home!

Monday was a very eventful day! I had to get up and help with the Main street mile for work; I made Jeff go with me! I had to be there at 7:30am :( it sucked so bad!! We had to sign people up and hand out shirts and all this madness, o and did I mention Jeff was also running in it!!!! Yep that’s right, Jeff has been saying he wanted to do a run so I signed him and his sister Jo and her husband Matt up for it!! They all did really good, plus Kylee and Ashley decided to run in it too, Jeff finished in 7 minutes and 13 seconds… or something like that!!!!

They are all in there some where!!

This is us watching the parade, right after his run!!!
Right after the run was the parade, it was a slow one lol! I think it was just cause I was so tired! But then towards the end I saw this cute little guy…again I really want one for baby!!!!
Look at how little the baby is next to the boy!!! OHH I love it!!!
After the parade we were going to take a little nap…but instead we went ice blocking!!!! If you don’t know what that is let me explain! You buy a block of ice, find a nice long hill, place ice on grass under your butt or belly, and slide down!!! Super fun to watch, but I didn’t get to try it because I am sure that falls under “extreme activities”

After Ice blocking we went to Jeff’s parents house for lunch, then they all went shooting (shooting just isn’t my thing, and I was so so so tired)! Jeff and I stayed behind and played a game with his mommy before heading home to take a nice long 2 hour nap!! I think once everyone got back from shooting they did the same thing as us and took a nice rest! Then they all came over to our house for dinner, we had pizza!!! After pizza Jo and Jeff and I ran up to the park so she could snap a few pics of us and the belly! Once we got back we all loaded up and went and played a nice friendly game of… kick ball, once again I didn’t participate cause of the “extreme activity” category!!
I have tons of pics...but I will post them on FB instead of overloading the blog :)
After kick ball we headed back to our house and roasted some marshmallows over the fire pit and just hung out and talked!!! It was a crazy, busy, fun weekend!!! I am super glad we did most of the activities and spent so much time with the family!


Monday, July 18, 2011

Part 2 of 2....Pushy People!!!

For those of you who know me, I think you have a pretty good understand of me or at least have some understanding, right? So this post is not to offend or make anyone mad, I am me and I see things and do things my way...THAT'S JUST ME!!!

A little back story to get into the whole story...... Saturday Jeff went up the mountain and cut wood for 7 hours with a friend so that baby could stay warm this winter :) I had to work, for the first Saturday since I started working at the pool ;(! I got off around 6ish and we went to dinner at the bowling alley, it was divine, went and visited his parents (his mom is having gallbladder actually, look what I started), yada yada. Sunday is, for the most part, our chill and do nothing day. That doesn't always work out, such was the case this Sunday, Jeff's freind was coming home from the mountain and dropped off the wood at our house under the carport in a huge pile! Then we went back to bed, later around 2ish our good friend Becki called and wanted to go to "linner" lol so I got up threw some clothes on and we finished watching the soccer game, then we went to Denny's ate and talked for awhile then we came back home and AWESOME Becki offered to help us stack our wood. Can I just say...I wish I had more amazing friends like Becki, she didn't have to help us by any means but she did anyways, I love her she is the GREATEST OF ALL TIME!!!! Any who so here we are working away trying to hit Jeff and stack the wood lol great times, when this car pulls up and out jumps a man in a suite, instantly I know...It's someone from the church!

Now this is where the story starts... I am not an active church going individual and I was never baptized in the LDS Church, however the rest of my family was, I wasn't old enough at the time and we became slightly inactive when I did become old enough so it just never happened. I did attend church on Sunday; I was slightly active in young women activities, and so and so forth! I do believe in God, I just don't believe that I have to go to church to be accepted by him or to "worship" him! So here we go… Several times before, members of the church have stopped by to say hi, to see how we are doing, to invite us to activities and to go to church, they are super nice and understanding when we explain to them that we are just not interested in going right now, maybe later on down the road we possibly might go, just it isn’t what we wish to do right now! This man however was not so nice and understanding. When he first walked up the comment out of his mouth was “this looks like hard work, I’m just going to turn my head”, now in the church I went to, when you came upon someone working especially a pregnant woman and another woman and a man you offered some assistance, down fall number 1. He introduces himself and says he is the missionary something in the ward and he has stopped by several times and this is the first time we have been home. He then says he has Jeff’s records and noticed that I was not a member and that we can go ahead and change that… I said no thanks that’s ok! He then pressed on asking questions about us and so on and so forth, I let Jeff do all the talking. Jeff told him we are gone a lot and that we are not denying the church, we appreciate all that they do, we are just not interested in going at this time. Side note Becki is still working away throwing wood, and the dog won’t stop barking, I leave to put the dog inside and come back out. When I come back out the comment I hear is “well when the missionaries need a good meal I will send them over so they can talk with you” this being said right after the whole we are no interested at this time, I am already a member just not active spill.

Now again not to offend, I have several friends including Becki who are active members in the church as well as all of Jeff’s family and most of mine! I have absolutely no problem with the church, however I do have a problem with overly pushy people who for one make you feel inadequate because they don’t listen to what you have to say and for another think that they are going to “change” you because what and who they are is right and what and who I am is not! Unfortunately I am who I am and when you push me to hard to do something I don’t want to I PUSH BACK negatively because I don’t want to do what you want me to. So the man say goodbye heads to his car, we start working again when all of the sudden he was back and he says I was wanting to invite you to the ward block party this week, Jeff said o yeah when is that because so and so wanted us to come and we told him we would, he told Jeff when is was and then says well good that’s a perfect time for you to meet up with the missionaries so they can talk with you. ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS?!? I understand you have a calling and understand that the missionaries are there to spread the word and be kind and invite people to the ward, but I don’t appreciate being ignored. After he left I was irked and so was Jeff, it’s like why do we even tell you something when you aren’t going to listen to us.

Now this is a prime example of why I choose not to attend church. I do not like people who think they can control you and change you. I am my own person, I do what I feel is right for me and some of the choices I make are not approved by the church, so instead of being fake or sac religious I just do me and don’t go! I wish that I was able to explain that to an individual and they would hear what I was saying, but instead they push push push. Now for most part I am kind and nice and so on, but I refuse to be kind and nice when I am not treated the same way. I’m sorry but because of this man and his pushiness I won’t be inviting anyone into my home I don’t care who they are. Sorry for the rant and sorry if I offended anyone, but it is my choice and Jeff’s choice to not go to church and we would appreciate if we were heard when we said we where not interested at this time. Thank you to all of our friends and family who respect that and aren’t constantly pushing it on us!!! Much Love >.<

Post 1 of 2...The joys of being PREGNANT!!!!

So as of right now today I am 28 weeks and 3 days pregnant!! WOW that means that there are only 12 weeks and 3 days left, maybe more maybe less! HOLLY SHIT BALLS, forgive my out burst but that is really not a long time!!!!!! So as I slightly freak out I am happy to tell you I feel great, this whole pregnancy thing really hasn't been too bad....except for.... the first 4 months of puking my guts out, having to pee 50 times in a 30 minute time period, being oh so tired all the freaking time, not being able to do ANYTHING fun/normal/typical me, walking 10 steps and not being able to breath, not seeing my girl parts, and barley being able to see my toes; which is only going to get "better" in the next 12 weeks!!!!! OH and did I mention my BOOBS, they are GIGANTIC and they are heavy; How in the world do these little tiny woman have these over the top huge ole' boobs...I may have wanted a boob job once in my life, NO THANK YOU!

On a more positive note (lol) I really am EXCITED about having our baby; the negative things really aren't that bad. The Dr. tells me that women will envy me because I lost so much weight and am only slowly gaining some back with the weight gain of the baby! (Jealous aren't ya ;) lol) My crazy loving husband is super supportive and helpful so really it has been way nice! It is the most awesomest thing to just be chillin and then all of the sudden "bam..bang..bam" happens in your belly, it's also pretty sweet when Jeffie talks to him and kisses my belly!!

Life is going really good right now, we couldn't be happier! My job is ok for the most part other than being tired all the time it works! League is on break right now, but we go to Beaver on Tuesdays to play with his brother, I think we start back up here in August! This weekend is the 24th celebrations and Jeff's sister is coming down so we are spending most of the time with them!! I am pretty excited because I haven't seen them since thanksgiving, and secretly she is my favorite lol!!!! The following weekend we are headed up to Richfield for a softball tourney, we went once a long time ago (I found and picked out my baby girl Jaspen) and it was super fun; and the guys he is playing with are pretty nice and way funny from what I know of them! I am kind of excited because it shouldn't be super duper hott up there YAY!!!! Then we are into August, the first weekend is the annual Veyo rodeo, which has been not so annual for several years now but they brought it back, the next weekend is...I can't remember, the next weekend is maybe softball and the next weekend is my baby shower! What a crazy life ;) Well now I have updated about my pregnancy and life so time to move on... Much Love >.<

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The 4th of July Weekend!!!

It was a long and fun weekend for us!!!!! Friday we did some yard work in prep for our 2 family BBQ's and then Friday night we went down to the Gunlock Rodeo, it was such a blast I love going to the rodeo and seeing old friends and hangin' out! Saturday Jeff woke up early and went fishing with some friends, I stayed in bed cause we didn't get home till 2am!! After I got out of bed I made my salad, deviled eggs, and twice baked potatoes for my family BBQ! My sister Tanya and her kids came up and also my parents, we hung out for a bit and then decided to head over to the park to play in the creek, I had a blast gettin in water fights with the kiddos and Courtney, then we came home and had an amazing stake dinner it was so so so so tasty!!!

(Jeff and I at the park with the family)

Tanya and the kiddos stayed the night, they camped out on the tramp and ended up surviving lol!!! Sunday was a do nothing day, after Tanya and the kids left Jeff and I went back to bed and literally slept most of the day! Monday we got up and watched the parade with Jeff's family and some friends, after the parade we came home and Jeff went and played in a Golf tourney with his dad, brother Tyler, and a friend; they ended up taking 2nd in their division, I stayed home and slept!!!! Once they got done golfing, everyone came over to our house for Jeff's family BBQ, we had a total of like 40 people over it was crazy!! After the BBQ we went over to the church and set off $300 worth of fireworks, it was pretty sweet, then we sat on our front lawn and watched a few of the Cedar fireworks!!! All in all it was a crazy, fun, long weekend, and I am so glad we got to spend it with good Friends and Family!!!!! Much Love >.<