Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
WARNING: This blog may contain mean, annoying, crazy, and sometimes down right horrible text. Readers beware!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Our Sweet Little Boy!!

Teagan's newborn pics (3 days old) I have had them for a month now and am just getting around to sharing them!!! Isn't he the cutest boy ever?!?!?!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Our life is so GREAT!!! I love being a Mom and my husband is an AMAZING Dad!!!! Teagan is such an awesome baby and he is becoming quiet the chunker these days!! All he does is eat, sleep, potty, and a small amount of time play time!!!
This is favorite position, the thinking position!!!!

Just the other day Jeffie got a new bat and he really really wanted to go hit with it, so I agreed!!! We decided to walk down to the ballfields and I threw him about 20 ball or so it was a little windy and cold, but we survived and of course the baby was good as gold!!

There is a little update for now!! We are headed to St. Geezy for a Softball tourney this weekend so I will make sure I update after!! Much Love >.<

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A birth story!!!

Okay so while I have a second or two I decided I would give the low down on the birth of our little baby!!!!
On Monday September 19, 2011 we had a doctor appointment, it was the first (and last) of our exams. When the Doc checked me I was 50% thinned and finger tip dilated, but the baby hadn't dropped yet. As far as we were concerned we weren't having us a baby anytime soon! The week just kinda flew by, no contractions, no changes, or no nothing that felt like dropping, everything was just going by like normal!! Saturday night we went to bed just after midnight, I wanted to keep Jeffie up till midnight so I could be the first to wish him a Happy Birthday!!! 3am rolled around and I got up with the urge to pee but I leaked a little getting out of bed. I went down to the bathroom, pulled down my pants, and there was a little flood.....I was slightly confused, I sat on the toilet and contractions no nothing. I went back up to bed turned on the light and woke Jeff up, I told him "Not to scare you or anything, but I think my water just broke" his reaction... "No it didn't, it's my birthday your just saying that", I said "No really babe come down to the bathroom." So we go down to the bathroom and I show him, then I sit on the toilet and feel some pressure...thinking nothing of it I am still trying to figure out if the fluid on the ground is really from my water breaking. I sent Jeff after one of my books, we looked through it and still couldn't decide. Finally Jeff says "I think we should go to the hospital" I tried telling him we should just go back to bed, but he said no lol!! So we got our stuff and headed to the hospital it was about 3:50am. We got the the hospital the checked us in and we got in our room. The nurse came in and had me change into my awesome gown lol, then I got on the bed and she did a test to make sure it was ruptured membranes and she also did an exam I was 85% thinned, but only dilated to a 1! Well sure enough the test came back and it was my water that broke, so I sent Jeff home to let the dogs out and to get my blanket and pillows and to bring in the hospital bag out of the car! And there we sat just chillin', breathing through the contractions that I could feel now! At about 8am they checked me again...I was 90% thinned and dilated to a 5. They checked me again at about 11am and I was still at a 5 :(. My parents showed up and we just kept up the breathing through the contractions and Jeff and the nurse were massaging my back and hips, which were getting stronger and more painful. I was checked again, not sure what time cause the pain was strong, but I was dilated to an 8 and they said whatever you do don't push! Ummmm if I can just explain that you feel this horrible pressure that you have to take the biggest poo of your life and it is one of those I gotta go now feelings, but you have to hold it! It was so hard I was yell/screaming and at one point I remember saying "I don't think I can do this anymore." I however am super woman and I did it! So the Doc shows up and says if you need to push, push!! Finally!!!! I pushed and pushed and pushed....they lost the baby's heartbeat for about 8 minutes (at 10 minutes they do an emergency c-section) the doc was concerned so he had to do an episiotomy, ouch! The cord ended up being wrapped around the baby's neck, he got it off and bam there was the CRY!!! What an amazing sound that is!!! I was instantly in absolute love with this bloody messy little dude on my chest!!
Teagan Kenneth Okeson was born at 3:08pm on September 25, 2011 (Jeff's Birthday) he weighed 7lbs and was 19.5 inches long! All was good, he was healthy and happy and I was good too!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

1 week appointment!!!

Well today was Teagan's 1 week/newborn appointment!! Great news my happy little bundle of joy is doing AMAZING!!! He has already made it back up to 7lbs 3oz, which the Doc said was really good cause it usually takes a couple weeks for newborns to get back up to or over their birth weight!!!!! His penis is looking really, he only has a little swelling but that's normal and should go away in a few days. Also his cord fell off on Saturday, and the doc was impressed that it was looking so good!!! He said he is doing really good and he has no concerns so we won't have to go back for another six weeks!!!! Also we went back in and had his hearing checked again, he passed!! So far everything is going super good and he is super good!!! I love bein' a mommy!!!! Much Love >.<