Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
WARNING: This blog may contain mean, annoying, crazy, and sometimes down right horrible text. Readers beware!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 12!!

How you found out about blogger and why you have one!
(I don't know if I am ahead or behind or right on with my days)

I have several friends and family members who have blogs that I read all the time before I got my blog! I wasn't really into the whole blog thing at first, but then Amanda begged me to start one so finally I did and at first it was just a wedding update blog which now has turned into a Okeson life story and update blog!>.<

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 11!!

Another picture of you and your friends!!

 Me, Karalee, Tasha, Amanda!
 My other Mom, Kris, Ashley, Me
 Robyn, Ash, Nellie, Jeff's Mom, Tanya, Tasha, her sis, My other Mom
lol this is from my bridal shower!!! Finding pics of friends is a difficult task lol!!!>.<

Day 10!!

Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyper, and Mad!

Well I don't really have certain songs I listen to when I am in a particular mood, I just kinda turn on the radio or my i-pod and listen away!! I love upbeat songs when I am happy, like Pink songs make me wanna get up and dance and make me happy (Raise your glass, so what, and so on)! I like slower and sometimes angry music when I am sad or mad (the band Live, some Hawthorn Heights, or even Eminem) and when I am bored well what ever as long as it occupies me!!! I like all kinds of music from country to hard core metal!!!!!>.<

Day 9!!

Something you're proud of in the past few days!!

Well, I am a couple days behind! Weekends are tough to stay on top of with all we have going on!!! So the something I am proud of in the past few days is....I  made good on a goal!!!!!

We spent the whole weekend with my FAMILY!!!!!! It was so Amazing and Fun! I miss them A LOT!!! We went down Friday around mid-morning afternoonish and took my Mom with us to the parade of homes, it was so much fun to get out and do something other than softball!! We got to see majority of the houses on Friday, that night we stayed with my sister Tanya and her kids, it was tons of fun, we played a game, watched a movie, and just laughed and had fun!!! Saturday we woke up and Tanya made us a yummy breakfast then we met up with my Mommy and finished the parade of home, we also made a couple side trips to the mall and rue I got a couple pants and shirts for work!! Saturday night we hung out with Tanya and the kiddos again and then Sunday we woke up and the whole family went down to Skeet Skeet and had the Champagne brunch at the Eureka, so yummy, then we drove around and hit up the wal-mart and the liquor store!! It was a great weekend, once we got home though the whole weekend went to shit cause we got 10 inches of SNOW at our house :( I hate the snow!!
So... I am proud that I got to spend some quality time with my family!!!! >.<

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Side note from the 30 day challenge!!!

Over this past weekend the boys had a softball tourney in Vegas, hence why I did day 5, 6, and 7 on one day!! Any who, Vegas is suppose to be warm and nice cause it is a desert, but it wasn't it was freezing cold, rainy, and windy! We left St. Geezy, after spending the night at the Holden's, at 6:30 in the morning. When we got to Vegas is was raining so they pushed the games back to start at 12pm. Unfortunately we were in Henderson area and the mall didn't open till 10. So we killed time eatin breakfast with some of Jeff's buddies then went to the mall, bounus for me I got 2 new bras from VS!!!! Then they played and Amanda and I froze but hey they ended up winning the whole thing!!! It was pretty sweet casue the team we played in the championship (1:00 am) we had to play twice, we beat them both times, but they were Jeff's buddies!!! After the super long day we got back to St. Geezy at...4:30am I was so tired!!!! But it was fun to see them win another tourney!!! Much Love >.<

This is the boys after the long day and thier second tourney win of the year!!! WoooWhooo way to go boys!

Day 8!!

A list of some short term goals for this month!!

Well since I am already working on short term goals I guess a few for this month are...

1- Drink 64oz of water a day, why? cause it is healthy and I am trying to be healthy

2- Eat a fruit and veggie everyday! Why? It's healthy lol

3- Get more sleep, Why? Ever since I started work I am struggling to get a good nights rest and me with sleep is better than the other way around!!

4- Do a better job at keeping the house clean. Why? My house use to be spotless, now it is such a mess cause I am to tired when I get off work!!!

5- Cook dinner more, Why? Again working leaves me so tired I can't function and for the past 2 weeks we have done nothing but eat out or not eat at all!!!

6- Work on that baby makin'! Why? Well I am tired and it's a work in progress! :)

There are some goals for this month!! Much love >.<

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 7!!

A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you!!

My parents by far have the biggest impact on me, I love them more than anything and am so grateful to have such loving, caring, wonderful influences!!!

Day 6!!

What's your favorite superhero and why??
So I don't really have a favorite superhero, but if I had to choose one I would pick....Catwoman!!Why....Cause she is one of the few female superheros and she is pretty sweet!!!!

Day 5!!

A picture of somewhere you've been to!

This is Lake Bled in Slovenia!!! When we went on our study abroad this was one of the places we went, it was so freaking pretty!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 4!!

A habit I wish I didn't have!!!

Hmmmmmm..... I just am not sure about this one! I guess one habit I wish I didn't have would have to be getting angry over silly meaningless things! I swear I always sweat the small stuff, when ultimately it doesn't matter! >.<

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 3!!!

Post a picture of you and your friends!!

This is a challenge due to the fact that I have several friends, but not all in one picture!?!? I will do my best!!!

So this isn't all but, it's what I could find lol!!!! >.<

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 2!!!

The meaning behind your blog name!!

When I started my blog it was to inform everyone about the crazy stressfulness of my wedding planning!!! So, I chose a name that went with that but would carry on so I could rattle on about our life!!! So "Liz and Jeff Happily Ever After" was what I came up with!!!! >.<

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

DAY 1!

Day 1 of the 30 day challenge! Post a recent pic and list 15 interesting facts about you!!!(15 is a lot!!)

This is the most recent pic I had on Facebook, thanks to Amanda!!!! Takin' January 29, 2011 Superbowl softball tourney really late at night and as you can tell it was FREEZING!!!! :) (I'm the tallest one, for anyone who couldn't tell) LMAO ;D

1- I love my crazy messed up wild life!

2- I love the Twilight series, movies and books!

3- I secretly like softball, only because it makes my husband so happy!

4- I love being married, finally!!!!

5- I can't wait to start a family, even though I wasn't sure I really wanted kids!!

6- Secretly I want to get another dog, but know I can't have one till one of mine passes :(

7- I really like my new job

8- My favorite color is lime green, and I absolutely love lime green and black together

9- My favorite songs right now are Firework and Raise your Glass! O and the Best Song Ever!!!

10- I love PIZZA, it is my favorite!

11- I can't wait for Spring, cause I hate winter

12-  I love making people Happy, but hate being told what to do!

13- I sometimes wish that people would just let me live my life without trying to force me to live my life their way!

14- I currently really need to go get ready for work, but this was so much funner!!!

15- I absolutely adore, love, cherish, admire, and couldn't ever stand to be without the love of my life and my best friend Jeff!!! I am looking forward to 100 years of bliss with him!!! :D

Hope you liked day 1, there is more to come tomorrow!!! Much Love >.<

30 Day Blog Challenge!!!!!!

My friend Tash had this on her blog! I thought it looked fun so I am going to do it!!!! I challenge all my followers to re-post this and give it a shot!!!!! Good luck!!!!
Here is the list:

Day 1 - Include a recent picture of yourself and 15 interesting facts about you...

Day 2 - The meaning behind your blog name

Day 3 - A picture of you and your friends

Day 4 - A habit you wish you didn't have

Day 5 - A picture of somewhere you've been to

Day 6 - A favorite super hero and why

Day 7 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

Day 8 - Short term goals for this month and why

Day 9 - Something you're proud of in the past few days

Day 10 - Songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyper, mad

Day 11 - Another picture of you and your friends

Day 12 - How you found out about blogger and why you have one

Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

Day 14 - A picture of you and your family

Day 15 - Put your Ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play

Day 16 - Another picture of yourself

Day 17 - Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

Day 18 - Plans/Dreams/Goals you have

Day 19 - Nicknames you have and why you have them

Day 20 - Someone you see yourself marrying or being with in the future

Day 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy

Day 22 - What makes you different from everyone else

Day 23 - Something you crave for a lot

Day 24 - A letter to your parents

Day 25 - What I would find in your bag

Day 26 - What do you think about your friends

Day 27 - Why are you doing this 30 day challenge

Day 28 - A picture of you from last year and now, how have you changed since then?

Day 29 - In this past month, what have you learned

Day 30 - Your favorite song

Even though some of these are.....ummmmmm......well personal, I am going for it, balls to the wall!!!! Much Love >.<

Friday, February 11, 2011

Monthly posts instead of weekly!!

I was going to do weekly posts of my progress on my goals, however things have changed and I don't have all the time I did so I will try my best to do MONTHLY posts instead!
So here is an update on my goals....
1) Get Healthy!
            ~ I have lost 15 pounds since I got weighed in at the hospital before my surgery!
            ~ I am doing really good with my healthy eating, but not so good with the workin' out part!
2) Start a Family!
           ~ Ummm it's a work in progress! Which I sometimes for get is a goal! lol my bad
3)Finish Yard!
           ~ We have brought in a crap ton of wood for the fire and our yard is a freakin' mess, this goal will get more attention when it is warm outside!
4) Find a hobby!
           ~ Still no luck, I still haven't gotten any ideas!
5) Find a Job!
           ~ Success!!!!! I got a job working front desk and the Cedar City Aquatic Center!! It is pretty laid back and fun! I wasn't so excited about getting a job, but now that I am out there I like it a lot!
6) Spend more time with Family!
           ~ This is also a work in progress, it is funny how time consumes you! I'll keep tryin!
7)Save Money!
           ~ This to is again a work in progress! 
8) Get out of debt!
           ~ We are hoping with our taxes we can pay a few things off, I guess we will just have to see!! Also a work in progress!!!

So there you have it, my goals and what I have been able to accomplish so far!!!  Till next time Much Love >.<

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Softball life, starts again!!!

On the 28th and 29th of January we had our first of many softball  tournaments! It was fun and a long couple of days but they won the drop down CHAMPIONSHIP!!! Great job boys! Unfortunately this begins a down word spiral...there is at least one tournament every month not to mention league starts back up next week :( my poor life!!! O and there is worlds which is in September and they are all planning on going, it's in FLORIDA! The life of a Softball Wife!!!!

Other than all that life is going... I am doing super good with my goals, especially my weekly goals!!! There isn't a whole lot going on this month other than of course softball every Monday night except the 21st and possibly a tourney on the 18th and 19th in Henderson. I almost forgot about SUPERBOWL, I am going for the Steelers, hope they win! We are havin a little party at our house so it should be tons of fun and we will have lots of food!!! ;) Well that's all I got for now, Much Love >.<