Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
WARNING: This blog may contain mean, annoying, crazy, and sometimes down right horrible text. Readers beware!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Weekly update!

So in the past week I set 6 weekly goals which I wanted to accomplish for my "Get Healthy" goal. They consisted of drinking the recommended 64oz of water a day, working out 5 days this week, eating a fruit and veggie everyday this week, going on 2 walk/jogs during the week, and waking up before 10am 4 days this week. My reward was I got to dye my hair, it's in horrible shape and could use a freshen up! So today is day 7 of the week and.....I am well on my way to reaching my goals! I woke up before 10am 4 days in a row, I have eaten a fruit and veggie everyday except today so far, I have worked out 5 days this week, I have been consuming more than enough water, and all I have left is to go on a walk/jog today!! Surprisingly it was super easy to set and do the weekly goals which are helping we with goal number 1!! WOOO WHOOO as for the other goals, they are a work in progress, I did have a job interview at a dentist office on Friday, we will see if that goes any where. I will make sure to update on my goals again next week, maybe sooner if I lost any weight!!
This past week Jeff's dad got a new/old house, so he hired Jeff and I to paint and clean it. As of Friday we started, it is a 3 bedroom one bath house and it has been a pain. I guess there is only so much painting you can do before you just see white lol. To say the least we are almost finished we just have the bathroom and kitchen left to paint and then we can clean and be done. It has been pretty fun to get in paint fights with Jeff, he gave me a goatee and I gave him a paint facial and then the leg and arms and hair lol!!! O good times, I can't wait to be finished though!
Other than that not a whole lot has happened this past week, next weekend we have a softball tourney in St. Geezy and I get to hang out and have a sleep-over at Amanda's house so that should be fun! I will let you know how it goes! Much Love >.<

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I have the hardest time setting goals and sticking to them, but it is worth a shot I guess.

1) Get Healthy- meaning; eating better, losing the excess fat, cutting down on soda and other unhealthy goodness, and exercising (I would say more, but that doesn't really apply)

2) Start a Family- Jeff and I have talked and decided we don't want to wait forever to start a family so here goes nothin'!

3) Finish our yard- I started last year and got a lot done, but there is still so much to do to make it beautiful!!

4) Find a hobby- Jeff has softball, once upon a time I had rodeo. Now I have nothing, So I want to find something that I love to do as much as Jeff loves to play softball!!!
5) Find a job- I suppose I have sat around long enough, if I find something part-time I can still focus on all the other things I want to do!

6) Spend more time with Family- since we have moved to Cedar I don't see my family as much as I would like to, so I want to see them more!!

7) Save money- it is very difficult when you are a "pay check to pay check" one income family, however I want to pay things off and start saving a little more so we have the options to go places!

8) Get out of most Debt- I say most cause all is impossible. We have loans and credit cards to pay off and it would be nice to get those done and out of the way. This is a LONG term goal, unless I rob a bank or something =)

So there they are, I am sure there are more but that is a good start for me!! I know in the last post I said I wasn't one to set resolutions or goals or whatever but I have been reading and I think I can do it!!!! Wish me luck! I hope that I can accomplish most of my goals, so that's another goal...Accomplish at least half your goals by this time next year!!!! lol O gee I am getting really far, the two most important are the first 2. So we will see how it goes.

So Far~
1- I have lost 10 lbs since my surgery on December 19. I have worked out 3 times in the last month, not the best but 3 is better than 0! As for eating healthy...well I could use some work!

2- I am off all forms of birth control and am taking prenatal vitamins. But I think losing some of the excess fat will help cause your body just doesn't work right if you are unhealthy!!

3- It is way to cold outside to do anything with this goal!

4-I am still trying to figure out what I "love" to do. Any good Ideas????

5- I have applied at a couple places. However, in a small town when you have a BS you are over qualified for all the easy jobs lol so no luck so far!

6- We are planning on visiting the family this Sunday when we are down for a softball meeting and again next weekend when we are down for a softball tourney!!

7 & 8- These two are going to be challenging and a process all the same! So as of right now, I have done nothing. But I am going to make a plan and see just what I we can do to accomplish these goals!

On top of all that I am going to do weekly goals to help me accomplish my other goals! I am not going to bore you with all those but I am going to check back in at least once a week to update on my progress!!
Much love >.<

Sunday, January 16, 2011


2011 has started off slow, that is for sure! No complaint or anything, there just hasn't been a whole lot goin' on. We have just been chillin' and enjoying the new year! There is a new aquatic center here in Cedar and we had the privilege of going swimming a couple times before it opened, it was a ton of fun but I don't know if I want to go back with it all crowded especially since I have scars on my belly and I am a little hefty these days! (I am a little self conscious)
It is playoff time and we have been having little "playoff parties" with our friends Kim and Anna so that has been fun! I have been kinda looking around for a job, I am getting really board sitting around, I have run out of things to do around the house so I think it is time to get out there and find something, plus a little extra money is always nice!!!!
We had a few birthdays at the beginning of the year, Kim's birthday was the 31st so we celebrated New Years with him and his family and some other friends, then our friends son had a birthday party on the 1st so we went to that. We had a good time hangin out and makin fun of each other and watchin football while also celebrating with cake smashing!!
Softball starts all to soon, at the end of this month is our first of many tournaments! I am not so excited to have 90% of my weekends dedicated to softball, but I guess it isn't so bad when I get to spend it with Amanda!
I am not one who really sets any "new years resolutions" but I am one who thinks of things I would like to change and if I do I do!! One of the things I am thinking I would like to change is my appearance, like I mentioned earlier I am a little hefty these days. After my whole health issues I decided it is so much better to be healthy, I am not off to the greatest start right now but I am trying. I also think I might want to do the Moon walk and 5k run again this year so I am going to have to start training again, maybe I will make an extra effort to run the whole thing or something, and maybe Jeff can do it with me this year! Well that's all I have for now, I am sure I will have more soon!! Much love!