Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
WARNING: This blog may contain mean, annoying, crazy, and sometimes down right horrible text. Readers beware!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Gotta love the bad news

In my last post I rattled on about being "okay" and the pain being gone. I was far far away from being “okay”! On Friday afternoon I went and picked up the prescription of antibiotics the doctor gave me. I took some around 3pm and was feeling alright, around 5pm I was starting to get a little pain and to not feel so good. I ate a little around 7pm and took the rest of the antibiotics for the day. At 9pm I started throwing up and couldn’t stop, I couldn’t even keep down a little sip of water. This lasted the whole night, finally I got a little sleep only to wake up and run down stairs again, so Jeff moved the mattress down stairs for me to sleep on so I could be closer to the bathroom, and he slept on the couch. The pain was hurting so so so bad and the only thing that would stop it for a second was to hop in the shower and turn the water scolding hot and let it run on my back. I did this probably 50 times from Friday night to late Saturday night. Finally at 1:30 in the morning the pain was so horrible that I was crying and I looked at Jeff and said “honey what do I do?” he looked at me and said “we need to go to the hospital, I have been trying to tell you this for a whole day now” I was being stubborn and I told him we didn’t have money and he said he didn’t care and I got to the point that I didn’t either cause I was in so much pain. So we got in the car and went to the ER and by that time I was really really hurting. I was so uncomfortable so the guy hurried as fast as he could and got me to a room, where of course we waited and waited. Finally they put me on an IV drip to get fluid back in my system and then they gave me pain medicine and anti nausea medicine. I felt a little better but I was sad to be in the ER and I was so weak from throwing up all day and so tired from not sleeping. Once the doctor came in he felt my stomach and asked about my pain and he said he was going to do an ultrasound. Once he came back with the little ultrasound machine he was a little shocked at what he was seeing so he said he wanted to have a real ultrasound done with the big machine. I got wheeled off and had an ultrasound done on my tummy and what came back was kind of scary so they said I needed to have emergency surgery done to remove my gallbladder. I got admitted at around 6 or 7am and had surgery at noon. They ended up removing 27 stones from my gallbladder, which were about the size of a BB. But there were still 3 more stuck in my bile duct which they couldn’t get to because of my liver was so inflamed. It turns out that the one stuck at the bottom of my bile duct was three times the size of the ones in my gallbladder and it was blocking the hole at the end, which in turn was causing me tons of pain. So after I woke up from surgery the doctor explained to me that I was going to have to go down to St. George to have the surgeon there get the ones out of my bile duct. The only problem was they couldn’t get a hold of the surgeon. So I sat in Cedar hospital until Monday after afternoon-ish and finally I was able to go down to St. George. Once I got there and got settled we had some visitors, then they said around 5pm I could be going in for the surgery! I was excited because when we first got there they had said it was possible that I wouldn’t be able to get in till the next morning. At around 5:30pm they took we down and I had a scope put down my throat and he sliced a tiny slice in my bile duct so that the stone could pass through, it wasn’t to bad cause they knocked me out the only bad part was laying on my tummy which has scars on it. After the surgery they wheeled my back up to my room and I had to stay the night again but the doctor let me go home at around 8:30 the next morning, thank goodness because I was getting oh so sick of the hospitals and I missed my puppies. Tuesday it so crazy in St. George cause of all the rain and flooding so Jeff wanted to see the rivers, I let him go drive around for a bit, till the pain was getting bad so then we went home. Unfortunately I still had the JP drain stuck in my side and that thing caused a lot of pain because it was stitched to my side so every time I would move it would pull, AWFUL!! Most of you who know me know I can’t go a 24 hour period without showering and we were going on 72 hours with no shower. So I called the surgeon in Cedar to double check if I could shower and they said NO  No worries I did a half shower. I washed my hair in the kitchen sink with Jeff’s help, then I sat on the edge of the tub and shaved my hairy hairy legs and washed my lower half all without getting my tummy wet at all!! When I called I also scheduled an appointment to see if my drain could come out for Thursday. Thursday I went to the Doctor and he was so so so nice, he took the stupid drain out of me, it felt nasty like a worm crawling through your yummy or something. It was so great to be free, after he took it out and told me I was free to shower and how to take care of my slices he showed Jeff and I his collection of gall stones and things he has taken out of people. I can say mine was nothing compared to some of the stuff he had!!

So I am officially doing “okay,” I don’t want to speak to soon but most of the pain is gone except for when I yawn, take deep breaths, sneeze, cough, oh and move just right. I am back to eating normal food which is nice because I ended up cooking Christmas dinner for the family and it turned out AMAZING!!!!! There are so definite downsides to the whole situation, spending days in the hospital, the cost (which I am a little scared about), I had to miss our annual Vegas shopping trip, and everyone thinks it is necessary to baby me but I don’t let them cause you don’t get better by being a freaking baby! There are some super plus sides to I have lost…10.5 pounds in a week, I am now forced to eat a little better, and the horrible no good pain in gone!!

So now a little about Christmas! On Christmas Eve we went over to Jeff’s parents and had their traditional Christmas Eve lunch, which is sandwiches and snacks and dips and so on. We played games and Jeff and I took the 4-wheelers out for a mud boggin, which was a total blast and only hurt for a second ;)!!! Then we opened Christmas because Jeff’s brother wasn’t going to be there Christmas day!! I got a super sweet roaster oven that I wanted so badly and some baking pans which I desperately needed, Jeff got a fishing poll and some fishing stuff and well I can’t really remember what else!! Christmas morning we woke up early so I could start the Ham and stuff, then we went back to his parents to do our stockings!! Then we came home and it was a cooking frenzy all day, well kind of!! I am pretty good at managing my time so it really went smoothly and like I said everything turned out AMAZING!! We ate at about 6:30pm with my family (Mom, Dad, Tanya, Kids, and Willy) then we opened presents. It was tons of fun hanging out and laughing and opening presents. I got almost everything I wanted, a lamp for the living room, snow boots, beanies and gloves, panties, bras, a CD, and the list goes one of little odds and ends and the best gift was our recliners!! All in all I would say it has been a pretty good year, and I am excited for the next one!!!! I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and all hopes for a Happy New Year! Much Love!!!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Oh the month of December and it isn't even over YET!!!

So this is a crazy month for most people, although we love the holidays sometimes you just need to take a step back and take it all in. Well life is crazy and crazy things sometimes just happen to the best of us and to the worst of us! This month started out as a downer, no Holiday bonus from Jeff's work, I got sick and it wouldn't go away, I applied for a job and haven't heard back, the list could go on and on.

Jeff's work party was on Wednesday night, still in pain but being the amazing wife that I am we went. It was fun, I shouldn't have eaten but I did and it cost me later. They gave out gifts to everyone that was there, I got two coffee mugs and Jeff got a sweet wood toy which he traded for golf balls and another mug! Then at the very end they surprised everyone by giving them all a Christmas Bonus!! It was pretty cool to see all these people so excited about getting the bonus because a lot of them could use it, even us!!!

On Friday the 10th I started to get a stomach ache which I thought was just a stomach ache then I got this awful pain which I thought was heartburn, well turns out I am no doctor and the pain and agony just got worse and worse. I tried being tough and waiting it out but on Thursday the 16th I couldn't handle it anymore. So I decided to have Jeff take me to the doctor, we have a few nurses in the family and they thought the problem was my gallbladder so I was taking stuff to try to help it such as lots of juice and antacids, we waited FOREVER and EVER for the doctor to come in. Once he came into the room he asked things like when my last period was, and what and where the pain was, and other symptoms I have been having, and also what I was taking for it. I explain all I could manage since I was suffering in excoriating pain. Well the super nice doctor starts poking and pushing on my stomach, did I mention the pain, well it made the pain a million times worse. Then he said well "I think it is your gallbladder, however the pain is in a strange location, I am going to proscribe you pain meds and some other pill and I want you to go have a blood test and schedule an ultrasound" If you know me at all you could imagine my frustration, a) being in so much pain  b) not getting an actual answer and c) being so hungry and thirty I could have eatin Jeff!!! So to say the least I was not impressed we went and scheduled my ultrasound and got my blood drawn, which didn't hurt a bit, then we went and filled my prescription and went home. The nice doctor told me that I needed to eat a low fat diet and eat frequent small meals, so I made Jeff take me to the store cause we didn't have anything to eat that was "low-fat" and I was starving from throwing up all morning!
Once we got home I had a dinner of low-fat cottage cheese and 6 olives, some juice, and a cup of fruit; then Jeff so kindly informed me that if I wanted to eat anything I would have to get up at 6:30 with him cause I couldn't eat or drink anything for 6 hours before my ultrasound. So bright and early this morning I woke up and had a yogurt and took my purple pill and went back to sleep with all intentions of not waking up till 2 so I could go to the doctor. Well AMAZING news, at 10am the doctor called and said.."how are you feeling today", I told him I woke up early and only took the purple pill and I didn't have the horrible pain only a slight pain, he said he was looking over my blood test and my liver and all that was fine, however there were high levels of H pylori which is the bacteria in the stomach. This can be caused due to ulcers of the stomach and the only way to see if I have ulcers is to shove some thing down my throat. NO THANK YOU!!! So he said the best treatment is 2 different types of antibiotics and another pill like the purple pill, along with a low fat diet of frequent meals!! So that is the plan and he said he wanted me to stay on it for a few months and if noting changes then I should come back and we will do the ultrasound and see if it is my gallbladder, and if it is we will have to take it out :( so hopefully this works and makes me all better!!

Now on to Christmas, I am still cooking for the family hopefully it goes well!! Monday we are going on our annual Vegas trip, I am pretty excited to hang out and shop with my mommy and my sissy and even Bobbi!!

I hope everyone has a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! Don't worry I will try to keep you posted on my health and life! Much Love!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The past few months!!!

So life is crazy, well not really but it sounds like a good excuse!!! I am a super slacker when it comes to my blogging. Life just isn't that exciting, but I will ramble on about the past few months so that all of you can be caught up on me!!! =D

October- It was so long ago I can't really remember what we did! I am sure the month consisted of softball, more softball, and even more softball!!! Then there was Halloween, the first for us in our house!! We had lots of fun staying home and handing' out candy to all the little trick-or-treaters, I was surprised we actually got quite a few!

November- Not a whole lot went on in November until Thanksgiving! This year was Thanksgiving with the Okeson side of the family! We went to Jeff's sisters house in Layton, we left Cedar on Wednesday afternoon, after the "huge" storm hit ha ha ha huge my but! We hung out with the kiddos and then Thursday we went on a tour of the Davis Co jail, Matt our brother-in-law works there, it was pretty sweet to see; it is not the same as you see on TV that is for sure. Then we had turkey day dinner and just chilled and hung out with his family. We were going to come home Friday but instead decided to hang out till Saturday. Friday night we had a game of canasta which didn't go so well because everyone plays by different rules, I was oh so confused lol!!! Then we came home Saturday unloaded the car and headed to St. Geezy to pick up the "kiddos" from Grandma's house!! When we got there it was so so so sad, my Mom's baby girl Mariah was down and couldn't get up. We did everything we could but she was a pretty good sized horse so we couldn't move her that much. I thought for sure if we just left her in peace after giving her our love she would just close her eyes and drift away. So we did just that, we said our goodbyes and left her to go in peace. Jeff and I decided we should take my mom to dinner to get her mind off of the whole thing since she was home by herself. After dinner we came home and that silly horse was still here trying to get up and talkin' like she was still young and crazy. It was so hard to deal with especially for my mama, but I kept telling her at least she lived a good life and she would be in a better place. Jeff and I had to leave to get back home that was also hard because I felt so bad leaving my mommy all alone at such a hard time. The next morning I called to see how things were going and she said that My My was still hanging in there, eating carrots and still trying to get up. She also said my Dad had made it home and that they were able to flip her to her other side but she still couldn't get up and stand. The next day my mom called me and told me that My My had passed and they were going to bury her the next day. Then she called me after they buried her and she told me that she put a carrot and apple in the grave with her just in case she got hungry on her way. I cried and cried it was so emotional to hear the sadness and emotion in my mom's voice losing her baby was so hard. Sometimes you forget just how much some things and some people mean to you until you suffer loss. My Dad got Mariah for my Mom when they were first married, so she was their first baby. She was my mommy's favorite old lady and now she is waiting on the other side for her to ride her again!! At least she is in a better place and isn't suffering anymore! To say the least after Thanksgiving wasn’t the best, but you just gotta keep moving forward so we have all tried to do just that!!!

December- Well we are only a week in, but Christmas is right around the corner!!! I have the house all decorated and cute!! Our Christmas this year is going to be a little less about gifts and a little more about the spirit and joy of Christmas. Unfortunately do the current economic situation Jeff’s work isn’t getting a Christmas bonus so we don’t get to buy tons of stuff, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing!! I am just thankful and glad that we have a roof over our heads and food on our table. As for our plans for Christmas we will be doing Christmas morning with Jeff’s family and then my family is coming up to our house and I (with my mommy’s help) am cooking Christmas dinner!!!
I most likely won’t post anything till after Christmas or even the New Year!! So if I don’t I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! Much love!!!!